A woman lying in bed browsing her phone and doomscrolling.
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15 Tips on how to stop Doomscrolling

What is doom scrolling? Have you ever found yourself scrolling endlessly through bad news, rage-y clickbait videos or depressing headlines, unable to stop even though it’s making you feel worse? If the answer is yes, then you have experienced doom scrolling—or as it’s known by its other monikers, death scrolling or zombie scrolling. It’s one…

A woman intently works on a laptop while using a smartphone indoors, symbolizing modern remote work.
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How to Stop Brainrot and Break Free from Mental Fatigue

Do you have days when your mind feels like mush? You can’t focus, everything feels like too much, and even the simplest task seems impossible. That overwhelming, drained feeling is what many people call brainrot. The term has become so popular that even the Oxford English Dictionary has chosen it as its 2024 Word of…