stress relief

Wellness Practices That Won’t Cost You A Dime

Wellness Practices That Won’t Cost You A Dime

What Does Wellness Mean? Before diving into wellness practices that won’t cost you a dime, let’s figure out what wellness means. You’ve probably seen phrases like well-being, self-care and wellness being thrown around without fully knowing what the difference is between any of them. In a nutshell, wellness is a fully rounded approach to living that encompasses a wide spectrum of practices that improve our mental, physical, emotional and environmental well-being. From achieving a healthy but balanced diet to staying physically active to practicing mindfulness and meditation, wellness is really about improvement in all areas of our lives. Taking care of yourself is self-love, and wellness practices are the cornerstone of self-care and well-being. How to Improve Wellness Without Spending A Dime? In today’s fast-moving world, prioritizing wellness usually takes a back seat amid our busy schedules. Oftentimes, we want to prioritize wellness but we run into financial constraints or feel that we don’t have enough money to pursue activities that we think will improve our lives. Here’s the thing: enhancing our well-being doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, below are many simple yet effective wellness practices that won’t cost you a penny, a dime or whatever other physical currency you’re used to. Read on for the full wellness list: Wellness at Work Ideas Mindfulness in the workplace: Take quick breaks throughout the workday and engage in mindfulness practices. Engaging in breathwork like simple deep breathing or quick meditations can reduce work related stress and increase focus. Stay Hydrated: Keep a reusable water bottle at your desk; set an alarm to take sips if you have trouble remembering to drink water. Prioritizing staying hydrated throughout the day can help you maintain prime energy levels and promote mental clarity while reducing head fog. Move around: Incorporate movement into your work day routine by opting to take the stairs during breaks or walks, stretch at your desk, and go for a brisk walk during lunch breaks to combat sedentary behavior and boost circulation throughout the body to improve mood. Express Gratitude: Cultivate a culture of gratitude by expressing appreciation for your co-workers, people who serve you food, and for your accomplishments and challenges. This helps foster a positive work environment and improves overall morale. If you dislike your workplace, practicing gratitude for the small things that you do like makes life more bearable and makes getting through the workday easier. Mental Health Wellness Activities       Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion by treating yourself with the same understanding you would offer to a friend. Instead of admonishing yourself when you made a mistake at work or in a social setting, tell yourself “it’s alright, it can happen to anyone, it’s not a big deal”, instead of obsessing over what went wrong. Connect with Nature: Take time to spend outdoors, whether by taking a quick stroll around your house or by sitting in your backyard or balcony to catch some Vitamin D. You don’t have to take hours-long hikes to reap the mental health benefits of nature like reduced stress levels and better mental clarity (unless taking hikes is your thing – this is encouraged too!) Journal every day: Sit down each day to write down and express your thoughts and feelings into a notebook. Writing down our daily experiences provides a healthy outlet for self-expression and introspection that can help us remove mental baggage that’s been hounding us. Journaling is also another great and cheap way of practicing mindfulness. Volunteer for wellness: Engage in acts of kindness by volunteering your time and skills to support others in need like at an animal shelter or a senior citizen home. Volunteering is a great way of decentering yourself by putting others’ needs before yourself and can foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment that we don’t get in our everyday lives. Social Wellness Practices Cultivate Meaningful Relationships: Put in time and effort in creating meaningful connections with your family, friends and pets. Developing strong social ties with our loved ones is essential for our emotional well-being and can help in battling off depression. Practice Active Listening: Truly listen to others without judgment or interruption and take time to thoughtfully respond if you’re being asked for advice; tread carefully. Active listening and learning to read subtext encourages deeper connections and understanding in your relationships with your loved ones. Engage in Social Activities: Participate in group activities, attend community events and clubs, or anything else that feeds your interests. Doing this raises opportunities for socialization and camaraderie beyond your current friendship circle and can open your mind to other interests that can make you happy. Set Boundaries with People: Establish healthy boundaries in your relationships in order to maintain a sense of respect that ensures that your needs are met while respecting the needs of others. Physical Wellness Practices       Exercise Regularly: Improve your cardiovascular health and boost your mood at the same time! Incorporating regular physical activity, whether it’s a quick walk or a longer hike, practicing yoga or Pilates (Youtube offers great tutorials on both), dancing to music in your bedroom, is a great way to move your body while getting physically and mentally healthy in the process without spending a dime on wellness. Prioritize Sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep at night by practicing good sleep hygiene habits, such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a chill bedtime routine. When you implement effective sleep hygiene habits into your nightly routine, you’ll wake up more refreshed and energized – ready to take on the day. Eat Nourishing Foods: Try to eat a balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins to fuel your body with essential minerals and vitamins. Incorporating wholesome foods into your meals and snacks,not only supports your health by keeping you fuller throughout the day, but boosts your energy levels and betters your mood over time. Practice Good Posture: Whether you’re sitting or standing

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Wellness Practices That Won’t Cost You A Dime Read Post »

Comprehensive guide to Breathwork Techniques for Stress Relief

Comprehensive guide to Breathwork techniques for stress relief

Our modern grind culture, “crushing it” mentality, and overall toxic hustle culture is a common reason why life has become so stressful for many people. Not to mention the rising cost of living while trying to navigate the historical lack of salary increases. Then, as you observe these scenarios play out on social media, with people constantly showing off their luxury lifestyles, it can intensify feelings of inadequacy and lead to more stress. Whatever your reasons for feeling stressed and overwhelmed are, there are effective breathwork techniques that you can utilize to reduce those stress levels. This guide will explore various breathwork techniques that you can incorporate into your everyday routine to promote relaxation and inner peace. Stress effects on the body and mind: First, let’s talk about the impact of stress on our bodies and minds. Chronic stress can lead to a gamut of health conditions, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Many physical signs of stress manifest in the body such as physical fatigue (always feeling drained) due to lack of sleep which is due to stress, muscle aches and pains, anxiety attacks, high blood pressure and of course, difficulty breathing normally. Mental side effects due to chronic stress include difficulty concentrating on tasks you had no problems with previously (mental fog), constant feelings of anxiety or nervousness, and feeling irritable with yourself or others for no reason. Breathwork techniques for stress relief offer an approachable method to the above issues, prompting the body’s relaxation response and countering the effects of stress while promoting feelings of calm and well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the best breathing techniques to alleviate stress below. Best breathwork techniques for stress relief Deep Breathing – great for those beginning breathwork: Deep breathing involves slow, deliberate inhalations and exhalations, focusing on fully expanding the lungs and engaging the diaphragm. Practicing deep breathing for several minutes can calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. 4-7-8 Breathing Technique: All the rage on Reddit, the 4-7-8 breathing technique involves inhaling for a count of four, holding the breath for a count of seven, and exhaling for a count of eight seconds. This method of breathing helps regulate the breath and induce a state of deep relaxation for better sleep. The 4-7-8 breathing technique is based on pranayama yogic breathing practices originating in India. Square breathing for stress: Square breathing, also known as box breathing, entails closing your eyes, inhaling through the nose, then holding the breath, slowly exhaling, and holding the breath again, each for a count of four seconds. If at first you feel lightheaded, only repeat once and slowly build up the reps to 1-2 times over the course of a few days until you get the hang of it. Make sure that you’re taking deep breaths – your stomach should be rising and falling with each inhale and exhale – as opposed to shallow breaths. Like other breathwork techniques,square breathing for stress can help quiet the mind and induce a feeling of calm and relieve stress. Alternate Nostril Breathing or Nadi Shodhana: Nadi Shodhana or alternate nostril breathing is another yogic breathing method that involves alternating the flow of breath between the left and right nostril. How to alternate nostril breathing the simple way: Start by inhaling through the left nostril while covering the right one with your right thumb, followed by exhaling through the left nostril. Next, inhale through the left again, but this time, cover the left nostril as you exhale through the right nostril. Repeat this process by alternating nostrils, focusing on relaxing and mentally uncluttering your senses. Sama Vritti or Equal Breathing: Equal breathing, also known as Sama Vritti, is a simple yet effective technique for stress relief. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position and closing your eyes. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of three or four seconds, allowing your abdomen to rise as you fill your lungs with air. Then, exhale through your nose for another three or four-second count, feeling your abdomen fall as you release the breath. Practice the Sama Vritti technique for a couple of minutes, gradually increasing the duration of seconds for your inhales/exhales as you become more comfortable. The key is to maintain an equal duration of time for both the inhalation and exhalation. Like other breathwork techniques, equal breathing can help calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Lion’s Breath or Simhasana: Lion’s breath, or Simhasana, is a unique breathwork technique that involves forceful exhalation and vocalization. Begin by sitting comfortably with your spine tall and your hands resting on your knees. Inhale deeply through your nose, then open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue, exhaling forcefully with a “ha” sound, as if you were roaring like a lion. As you exhale, simultaneously gaze upward towards the space between your eyebrows. This powerful exhalation helps release tension in the chest and face, while the vocalization can help relieve stress and improve vocal flexibility. Lion’s breath is particularly beneficial for reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of release and liberation. Bee Breath or Bhramari: Bee breath, or Bhramari, is a relaxing breathwork technique that involves making a humming sound on the exhale. How to do bee breath: Begin by finding a comfortable seated position and closing your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale slowly while making a low-pitched humming sound, like the buzzing of a bee. Feel the vibration of the sound reverberating throughout your body, soothing your nerves and calming the mind. Repeat this process several times, focusing on the sensation of the humming sound and allowing yourself to relax deeply with each exhale. Bee breath is particularly effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting a sense of inner peace and tranquility. Skull Shining Breath or Kapalabhati: Skull shining breath or Kapalabhati, is an energizing breathwork technique that involves rapid, forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position with

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